
Unarra Naming Conventions

The Unarra are the more upbeat denizens of Atriana. They're spritely and spirited, jovial and stalwart.  This of course should be represented in their names. They should be strong, but not overstated.

I think they would lean towards names with some music to them, or a nice flow. This works with longer (3+ syllables) names.




And yes, I think they should be feminine sounding! You still can have the strong or fierce sounding feminine names. Feminine doesn't mean "Barbie" and "Daisy".






I's and A's I tend to use a lot along with P, L, S, N, and long Y's (like the sound in "onion"). L through V is a good, long range in which to search for Unarran name sounds. If you want words to brainstorm off of, think of forests and trees, hills, valleys, that kind of thing. I actually try to stay away from "animal" stuff (I'm afraid it will come off obvious), but I do borrow a bit from (what little I know of ) Native American culture.

For suffixes:










Cavolon Naming Conventions

Eshlar Naming Conventions

Lokai Naming Conventions

Tyrusin Naming Conventions

Unarra Naming Conventions

Last updated: January 12, 2005

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